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1022 Why is submitting to GOD so difficult?


VERSE: Romans 11:16-21 he certainly won't spare you! 



SYNOPSIS: Today we are going to study the most misunderstood book of the Brit HaDasha (NT), The Book Of Romans, chapter 10-11. Every person ever created by YEHOVAH is equally loved by HIM. Each person makes their own choices. Why is it so difficult to submit to the laws of ELOHIM? There is a letter written by Sha’ul (Paul) telling the Gentile followers of YESHUA to be terrified of being broken off from the Hebrew olive tree. Why are so many not even afraid let alone terrified? Do they think they are immune to being chopped off?


BIBLE VERSES: Romans 11:16-21 He certainly won't spare you! Romans 9:31-33 The concept comes to a close. Romans 10:1-4 Unaware of God's way of making people righteous. Romans 10:5-9 Who does these things will attain life through them. D’varim (Deut) 30:11-18 The word is very close to you—in your mouth. 1ST Kefa (Peter) 1:21-25 Through the living Word of God that lasts forever. Romans 11:1 God has not rejected His people.


Romans 11:16-21 He certainly won't spare you!

Rom 11:16  Now if the hallah offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole loaf. And if the root is holy, so are the branches.

Rom 11:17  But if some of the branches were broken off, and you—a wild olive—were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree,

Rom 11:18  then don't boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you.

Rom 11:19  So you will say, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in."

Rom 11:20  True, but so what? They were broken off because of their lack of trust. However, you keep your place only because of your trust. So don't be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified!

Rom 11:21  For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly won't spare you! 


Rom 11:1  "In that case, I say, isn't it that God has repudiated his people?" Heaven forbid! For I myself am a son of Isra'el, from the seed of Avraham, of the tribe of Binyamin. 


Rom 10:1  Brothers, my heart's deepest desire and my prayer to God for Isra'el is for their salvation; 


Romans 9:31-33 The concept comes to a close.

Rom 9:31  However, Isra'el, even though they kept pursuing a Torah that offers righteousness, did not reach what the Torah offers.

Rom 9:32  Why? Because they did not pursue righteousness as being grounded in trusting but as if it were grounded in doing legalistic works. They stumbled over the stone that makes people stumble.

Rom 9:33  As the Tanakh puts it, "Look, I am laying in Tziyon a stone that will make people stumble, a rock that will trip them up. But he who rests his trust on it will not be humiliated." 


Rom 10:1 

Rom 11:1  


Rom 11:20 -21


Romans 10:1-4 Unaware of God's way of making people righteous.

Rom 10:1  Brothers, my heart's deepest desire and my prayer to God for Isra'el is for their salvation;

Rom 10:2  for I can testify to their zeal for God. But it is not based on correct understanding;

Rom 10:3  for, since they are unaware of God's way of making people righteous and instead seek to set up their own, they have not submitted themselves to God's way of making people righteous.

Rom 10:4  For the goal at which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts. 


QUESTION: What is the key word or concept we need to understand in these 4 verses to understand being grafted into Israel?


RIGHTEOUS: G1343 δικαιοσύνη dikaiosunē  Thayer Definition: 1) in a broad sense: state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to God 2) the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God 3) integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting


Rom 10:1-4 

Rom 10:3 


Ref. Deu 13:1  "Everything I am commanding you, you are to take care to do. Do not add to it or subtract from it.


Rom 10:3 

Rom 10:4 

Rom 10:3-4


Romans 10:5-9 Who does these things will attain life through them.

Rom 10:5  For Moshe writes about the righteousness grounded in the Torah that the person who does these things will attain life through them. 


NASB: For Moses writes that the man who practices the righteousness which is based on law shall live by that righteousness.


Rom 10:8 



D’varim (Deut) 30:11-18 The word is very close to you—in your mouth.

Deu 30:14  On the contrary, the word is very close to you—in your mouth, even in your heart; therefore, you can do it! 


Deut 30:12-13

Deut 30:17-18

Deut 30:18 

Deut 30:14 


Rom 10:8 




1ST Kefa (Peter) 1:21-25 Through the living Word of God that lasts forever. 

1Pe 1:25  but the Word of YEHOVAH lasts forever. Moreover, this Word is the Good News which has been proclaimed to you. 


1Pe 1:22 

1Pe 1:23 


Rom 10:8 


Romans 11:1 God has not rejected His people.

Rom 11:1  "In that case, I say, isn't it that God has repudiated his people?" Heaven forbid! For I myself am a son of Isra'el, from the seed of Avraham, of the tribe of Binyamin. 


Rom 11:17 

Rom 11:18 

Rom 11:11 


STUMBLE: G4417 πταίω ptaiō  Thayer Definition: 1) to cause one to stumble or fall 2) to err, make a mistake, to sin


Rom 11:11   


DELIVERANCE/SALVATION: G4991 σωτηρία sōtēria Thayer Definition: 1) deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation 2) in an ethical sense, that which concludes to the souls safety or salvation


Rom 11:13 -14

Rom 11:15-16

Rom 11:19-21




Remember Yeshua the Messiah is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

He was and always will be a JEW!!!

"Jew & Gentile One in Messiah"

As it was in the beginning so it will be in the end-of-days


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Bible Study Tuesday night 7:30 PM

800 West 3rd Ave. Lexington, NC 27292










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