THE 12%, THE READERS…HOPEFULLY ALSO DOERS. The Bible is the most widely printed
book in history. It is also foundational text of Western civilization and the
divinely inspired word of God. Yet according to new statistics, our society has
a Bible reading problem. Recent studies have shown that only 18 percent of adult
Americans read the Bible. 82% percent of American’s do not read the bible. Of
practicing Christians, the portion is only 37 percent who claim to read the
Bible. So that means 63% of Christians do not read their bibles. So how can they
be Christians? The Millennial generation, those born between 1982 and 2002, are
the least engaged with the Bible ONLY 12% who identify themselves as Bible
readers. Mattiyahu 4:3-10 Yeshua example on how to fight satan. Y’hoshua
(Joshua) 1:7. Rev 20:12. Psalm 119:105. 1 Tim 4:13. 2 Tim 3:16-17 all what is
God breathed and is good for what?. D’varim 30:15-20 life is in reading and
apply the good book. 1 Kefa 2:1-2 thirsty for reading and hearing. Yochanan
15:1-7 united in reading and apply the word
Always remember Yeshua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.
is and always will be a Jew.
Erev Shabbat "Friday Evening" 11:00PM
Shabbat "The Lord's day-Sat", Bible Study
& Prayer night
SHABBAT "Saturday" at
City Gate" Bible Study Tuesday
night 7:15-9:30PM EST