What day did MESSIAH enter HIS FATHER'S house? What day are we commanded to take the lamb to our homes?
Many people are on a wonderful journey finding out more about the King of kings. Along that journey they generally hit a “speed bump” called the Holy Days. They are confused when they see the Christians doing different ones then the Jews are doing. Many people along this journey start to search the internet to try and understand some of these holidays the Jews are doing. They soon come to discover that many Jews are doing the same things the Christian’s are doing…manmade holidays.
In this very comprehensive Biblical, Torah based, Yeshua proclaiming study. You will discover what Holy Days ALL followers of Messiah are commanded to be observing.
streaming live on www.yeshuatube.org
main website www.bgmctv.org
En inglés y español
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"Jew & Gentile One in Messiah"
As it was in the beginning so it will be in the end-of-days
Bible Study Tuesday night 7:30PM